Sunday, September 27, 2009

all names are one

just an hour away from kol nidre, eve of 'at-one-ment.' i'm so excited about it. the anticipation has been building as the week advances. how do i know? at the beginning of the week i spotted myself singing ki adonai eynod eynod, other than god nothing else, nothing else. for a couple of days it was sporadic, then i was doing it louder and louder while i was jumping up and down on the urban tramboline. in the last couple of days it took another leap. i couldn't stop singing ushemo echad, all names are one. as a matter of fact, ushemo echad caught my eye in my first high holiday service and i immediately asked what it meant. ah, all names are one.

and of course it makes me so happy just to figure out when to cook the food for breaking the fast with a community of people that hubby and i like so much.

happy yom kippur. may we be at one, at one with the inner Self, and from there we can appreciate the same Self in others. may it be so.

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