Monday, December 7, 2009

sharpening discrimination in a hotel room. 45 m

aumming and meditating in a cozy, charming (in real estate vocabulary, these adjectives are for small properties.) hotel room in portland, oregon.

it's a fun challenge to work around a meditating hwubby as i prepare his ginger tea and oatmeal a couple of feet away.
i do it all without disrupting the sweet silence, against the back drop of a glimpse of the exquisite sunrise beyond the dark gray cityscape.

by the time i sit down on the only chair i feel at home. indeed, as the garland of sounds within aum flows through the breath and permeates my entire consciousness i am in a state of ease and contentment. every now and then a thought or two pass through. mostly they are about the 2 young girls who robbed me. i see their young faces and the sad look on one of them. i send them well wishes and  blessings.

on another hand, i am not a sentimental bleeding heart. i have to be vigilant and know the difference between wanting to help strangers and staying away from unnecessary danger.

i don't want this to hold me back from living the way i want to live. yet when can i start walking by myself on a main street in the neighborhood during the day? i have to take hwubby's concern into consideration as well.

so, let the contemplation go deeper. i ask for grace to hold me in a quiet, open state where alert fearlessness arises. my own inner self.

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