Friday, April 23, 2010

inner hubbel telescope

since i've been meditating two hours a day i notice a difference in the inner world which i dub 'the world of closed eyes.' i have been trying to find the right words for it. nothing seems right until i hear the story of the hubbel telescope and see some of what it sees. that's it. it's like i now have an inner hubbel telescope and, little by little, it's sharpening its focus. one by one, it's looking at the infinite corners of the inner universe. gazing into these spectacular images from deep outer space i feel like i've been there.

indeed the ancient sages have been telling us, and it's my own experience, there's nothing you can find on the outside that doesn't exist within. but to see these wonders i need to keep all the parts of the inner hubbel in proper alignment. and that's what meditation does to awareness.

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