Tuesday, August 11, 2009

credit freeze, 39 + 19

face to face with a sudden, substantial credit freeze, hubby says, i'm totally energized.

this is no small challenge for a small business, particularly so when we are working hard to market his book.

yet i amaze myself. i find myself watching what goes through the body. the mind? yes, i see thunderstorm and tsunami of worry and anxiety lurking and looming, eager to take over, like so many times before. but now it feels not difficult at all to tie my attention firmly to the rhythmic sound and movement of the easeful and natural breath. as for the body, waves of cold wash through. hands and fingertips feel icy. throat gripped by nauseousness. yes, i observe all this from a place of steady calm deep within. the truly incredible thing is i don't feel the impulse to jump into some senseless, desperate action.

by the time i sit down to meditate, i can clearly see the first task at hand to embark on the path of taking care of the consequences. i know i am big enough for the challenge. and so is hubby. i couldn't describe it better than hubby. yes, i am energized.

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