Thursday, August 27, 2009

40 + 33, alert and stable

notice a streak of tightness and soreness in the left back of the neck. rigorously rub the hands, gently place them a little bit above the sore spot, distinctly sense a shield of warmth emitting from the hands. i am clearly aware that there is a really subtle throb spreading over the neck and soon the tightness eases and soreness subsides. also it dawns on me that the lingering discomfort in the inside of right knee has mostly gone. all this while i am sitting comfortably in a posture that has a stable foundation and a supple structure where the natural breath roams freely. a truly great feeling, a secure feeling, the feeling that i can take any blow without being thrown off. then just like that i hear a sound from within, ho ho mei. i know right away what this is. i need to come up with a better name for some integral ingredient in the novel. this is it. so i write it down, let it go, and keep meditating.

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