Thursday, February 4, 2010

mouse returns. 42 m + 9 m

watching fear while steeped in the ocean breath and easy lotus posture as the subtle hum, the electric buzz permeate my awareness.

for so long i've wondered what it means to do what's right in spite of fear. now, because of a mouse, or mice, i really don't know, i get to experience it.

i gotta give it to the mouse for its resourcefulness. somehow it manages to return to the same pantry drawer and do its thing after hwubby and i thought we took care of it and checked and double checked.

and i am impressed with myself. i watch the fear, triggered by traumatic memory, come in my awareness, and i watch it from a state grounded in strong serenity. i don't forget why i am in the kitchen in the moment i spot it dash across the threshold into the unlit mud room. the fear doesn't freeze me. the efforts i've been putting in pay off. i find my attention hold on to the ebb and flow of the easy breath. in a natural way the breath becomes longer and deeper. i am able to see clearly the task at hand. it's truly like working at my desk and it's pouring rain outside.

having said all this nice thing about the mouse i have no intention to be a bleeding heart about the situation. hwubby has already got the mouse traps. this is the time to practice holding god in our hearts and play according to the worldly rules. the mouse has to go.

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