Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1 hr 20 m, how crazy i am around bargain produce

how crazy am i around bargain produce?

here's how.

there i am in the berkeley bowl west, with hwubby. he divides up our tasks, says, you go to the bargain section, i'll take care of the list.

i take the bee line, feeling the excitement, anticipation, o, what's there today, what fabulous finds are there today?

o me o my, i can't believe my eyes, it's just after 10 and there are already several people crowding the L shaped station.

i spot a narrow opening and slide my way through.

what do i see? bags of bananas, $0.59 each. hey, they are the perfect ones for banana bread and hwubby likes them in his morning smoothie too. the upswell of thrills is indescribable.

and there's more. portobello. $0.99. of course, i know they are not in the condition to be grilled naked. but they are great for a stew. in my 2 cent opinion, they have the textured softness on the level of marbled kobe beef.

now i am really beside myself. i grab 2 bags, one in each hand, turn around, eyes searching frantically for hwubby. i want to share the good news with him.

he's at a couple of stations away. i wave him over, bag in hand. i'm ecstatic, i couldn't wait...and, boom, i see someone passing by.

i remember her in a snap. we are in a study circle together. we see each other once every 2 weeks.

and hwubby has never met her. how great, i can introduce her to him.

so i do. i say, this is..., and no name comes to my mind. i scramble crazy inside for a couple of moments and blurt out, lyn, this is lyn. i can see a sort of strange look appearing on her face. still, i am not aware of any boo-boo on my part.

it isn't until hours later when the excited mind calm down a bit before i could hear the voice of the inner self, her name is leanne, not lyn. ooops. that explains the look.

as i contemplate on this experience i can see there is still some residual tendency festered from poverty consciousness affecting my mind.

fortunately in this case i can apologize immediately with a email. not to mention a huge wok of portobello stew and 3 banana breads for under $5:)

maybe i'm just cheap.

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