Wednesday, July 22, 2009

something is better than nothing. piggybank

today i meditated 16 minutes. a lot less than what i would like. in fact, for a long time, i stopped meditating because i thought if i couldn't meditate for an hour, then what's the point, forget it. finally, i realized meditating is like putting pennies into piggybank. it all adds up. no penny goes to waste. no meditation goes to waste either. indeed, it was with that understanding that i eventually got my meditation practice up to one and a half hour a day. well, except on days like today when i fall off the wagon.

the difference between now and then is that i have absolute confidence that i shall not abandon my meditation practice.  i could not meditate for an hour? fine. i would meditate whatever time i could and i refuse to beat myself up about that. i say to myself, suk wah, you did good, you'll do better.

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