Saturday, July 18, 2009

meditation as medication

i'm taking a pause from taking care of the curve balls life throw my way. i'm munching on a big bowl of fresh pineapples, honeydew and blueberries when...boom...i realize i'm no longer in the grips of depression, low grade or clinical. don't get me wrong. i 'm not saying i'll never have depressive thoughts anymore. all i am saying is i don't identify with them anymore. i see them come. i see them go. in fact, i can say with absolute certainty that they will go away. unless i hold on to them. which was what i did. unconsciously. how do i know that it's meditation that is the cure? because when and if i skip meditation for two days in a row i clearly sense a difference in my attitude towards myself, others and life. then, on the third day, i run to my meditation place for my dear life and, boy o boy, it feels such a sweet relief to be re-connected to that place of calm, confidence and focus. my highest self.

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