Tuesday, February 23, 2010

humming to a new fabulous low. 45m + 18m

the extended humming sound is kind of like...a stent. yeah, like a stent opening up a clogged artery. only this hummm is even more fabulous. it opens up inner space. it really makes me have the experience that my inner space has no boundaries.

hey, why should it? there are one hundred billion galaxies in the universe outside of me. there are one hundred billion neurons within me. my inner universe is every bit as grand and splendid as whatever universe there was, is and ever will be.

i watch the pitch of hum sweep high and low reaching far and wide into the nooks and crannies of my consciousness as i relax a little more with each round of easy breath. just when i think i have hit the lowest note possible the vibrant buzz plunges into a resonance throbbing deep into the bone marrow with tender enthusiasm. there is a primordial quality about it. it is evident that the vibration originates from somewhere within as deep as the core of the earth.

i feel like being cradled by the invisible hand of benevolence. the sense of safety and security is beyond purchase and measure.

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